Prioritizing Our Bucket List Goals To Get The Most Out Of 2021
If you are reading this, congratulations, you survived 2020! But now we have all started a new year and that means setting new bucket list goals for 2021! 2020 was a hard year for us as it was for many of you! Between losing my mother, Lilian Madan Gamble, in March and then being hit with a global pandemic, not much happened with our Bucket List Project. But now we are gifted with a new year and that means hopefully new hopes and goals!
Table of Contents
So what are our new bucket list goals for this year?

When reflecting on our 2020 bucket list goals and looking back at our 2020 Completed items, we realized that we kind of dropped the ball. We could make a lot excuses and most were legitimate. But to be honest, perhaps one of the biggest failures was that we just didn’t prioritize our bucket list goals.
To remedy that, I busted out my old Bucket List Project notebook, sat down with Darcee, and together we decided on some key points that we wanted to tackle this year. Now, when deciding on what to do we looked at all the different categories and essentially decided to try and tackle 3 items per list.
So, without further ado, I present our Bucket List Goals for 2021! We hope that this list will inspire other members of Gen X and Gen Y to reflect and hopefully prioritize their own goals for this year.
Congratulations, you survived 2020! But now we have all started a new year and that means setting new goals for 2021. Discover what the Bucket List Project hopes to tackle this year. #2021bucketlist #Bucketlistgoals Click To TweetJanuary’s Goals
- 203) Read Classic Adventure Books:
- 9) The Boy & Going Solo by Roald Dahl
Febuary’s Goals
- ???
March’s Goals
- 257) Return to Mineral Wells, TX & explore the town with ME (Recommended by Susan Mallory)
- 242) Learn to cook gumbo, jambalaya, boiled crawfish, & boudin together (Recommended by Andrew Dawson)
April’s Goals
- 200) Know my home State of Louisiana:
- h) Brunch at Buck & Johnny’s (
Café Des Amis) in Breaux Bridge
- h) Brunch at Buck & Johnny’s (
- 203) Read Classic Adventure Books:
- 2) Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck
- 118) Geocache in 5 Different Cities (do city 2 in Chicago, Illinois)
May’s Goals
- 200) Know my home State of Louisiana:
- i) Friday “Business” Lunch at Galatoire’s
- 209) Build a “Little Library” version 2.0, stock it with great books, and put it in front of my house to Share
June’s Goals
- 285) Climb Devil’s Tower in Wyoming
- 256) Come to Casper, WY & explore our city with US (Recommended by Holly O’Neill)
July’s Goals
- #5) See my 6 Pack Abs
August’s Goals
- 61) Learn to Dance Salsa & Merengue
September’s Goals
- 203) Read Classic Adventure Books:
- 4) Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
October’s Goals
- 130) Eat weird things:
- 9) Escamoles in Mexico (Ant Larvae)
- 167) Celebrate Dia De Muertos in Mexico
- 179) Swim in the Cenote at Ik Kil, Yucatan, Mexico
- 180) See the Mayan Temples of Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
- 219) See a Real Lucha Libre Wrestling Match in Mexico
- 298) Swim with Whale Sharks in the Mexican Caribbean like near Isla Mujeres
November’s Goals
- ???
December’s Goals
Whenever Possible this Year
- Try to Make Amends with 1 Person on my List
- 94) Go Moonlight Skinny Dipping
- 103) Fulfill 1 Bucket List Item for Anyone who helps me with 1 of mine!
What do you think
Les Brown once said, “Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars.” As you can see, our bucket list goals for 2021 are pretty aggressive. But nothing on the list seems impossible with a little planning and focus. But what do you think about our hopes and goals for 2021? Do you think it is doable? What is one favorite bucket list goal on this list that you would like to also do? Or is there something else that you think we should tackle? Let us know in the comments below!
Don’t forget to Pin this to your favorite 2021 Bucket List Board!
55 thoughts on “Prioritizing Our Bucket List Goals To Get The Most Out Of 2021”
Can’t wait to hear how the gumbo goes!
I love that you plan it by month. I definitely like the approach of goals of the month. You won’t be overwhelmed thinking of the whole year. Nothing seems too out there that you wouldn’t be able to achieve it.
yeah, breaking it down makes our bucket list goals, like most things easier to tackle. But also our dreams don’t get lost in the mix cause we have a lot of Bucket List items and things we want to tackle!
This is so inspiring! I hope you get to most on this list. Sounds like you lead quite a fulfilling life. 🙂
Thank you! We want to make the most of this grand adventure called life!
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
Love this blog. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! I didn’t know monthly goals were a thing. I always set yearly goals and one of my goals this year is to go back yo school.
OOOh, Going back to School? That is awesome! We wish you good luck! Can we ask what you are going back to study? It always intrigues us when people are heading back to school to learn more! Oh and by the way, so more screen time until you finish your homework!
You have some great goals here. I especially like “see abs.” Haha. My accomplishments in 2020 went off script too. Kudos to you for giving it another go in 2021.
P.S. I also use similar high tech software for my goal charting. 😉
Haha, well I am glad our “High-Tech” software is taking off! I just can’t figure out how to sell it on the Google Play Store! (haha!)
I love this idea of making bucket list goals! I’ve actually never written them out for a whole year, so that’s something I’m thinking of considering.
Even if you only write down your goals for the last 2 weeks left in January…that is something! Why not join us in Prioritizing Our Bucket List Goals and together maybe we can create some awesome stories for 2021!
I love the idea of eating more adventurously and trying new things!
I very much like this concept and the format you guys worked with. There’s still not a lot we can do since the pandemic is still among us, but I may just keep mine simple as well. Haha
I’m so sorry to hear that your Mom passed away. It takes time to recover. It’s a great idea to be gentle to yourself during this time. I liked your choice of books to read, especially “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan Swift. Your October trip to Mexico with a visit to Mayan temples, swimming in a cenote, and also swimming with whale sharks looks amazing. Climbing Devil’s Tower is challenging but interesting. What’s about a Happy Valentines Day trip or celebration in February? Good luck with all of your trips and stay safe.
Thank you for your kind worlds Natalia! Yeah we are very excited to read Gulliver’s Travels. We have great memories of watching the old classic movies based on the book, so we figured now was a great time to return to our childhood! We are also very excited for October! Can’t wait to explore the whole area of the Yucatan and other parts of Mexico!
Eric, my condolences to your mom. You are really brave enough, 2021 is going to be great for you!
Thank you for your kind words & support!
Prioritize your goals into monthly ones is the best way to succeed. I am going to visit your home town soon and took some tips on places to eat.
That’s a great idea to set monthly goals for your resolution.
wow! it’s a great way to layout your goals. I love the graphic. And I am sorry for your loss, it always is hard
2020 was a tough year and congrats to those who made it to 2021, condolences about your mum, and good luck with your goals.
It sounds like you’ve got a lot of great things planned for this year. I personally haven’t planned anything yet aside from wanting to work on getting back into regular work outs.
Well that is a great start Luna. What better way to prepare for future adventures than to work on your physical self! No better time that starting now!
My condolences to your mom, you are so brave for making this list and chasing your dreams. Wishing you best of luck
What an awesome goal for 2021! Traveling is also my goal this year and to make up with the time that I didn’t get to travel last year. I hope you’ll get to do everything that’s on your bucket list this year!
Honestly, I don’t have a list. I don’t have either projects or goals. I even don’t have hope – here in Europe, 2021 starts much worse than 2020 ended. Never thought this would be possible, but that’s the way it is. As I said – I’m quite hopeless…
Oh Renata, we can’t lost hope. I am far from any expert but after living through Hurricane Katrina, Seeing my mom suddenly die in front of me, and other kinds of pains, I do know one thing, “Life keeps moving forward.” I say that because whether it is a glorious party or a sad trial, it is all going to change. Now don’t get me wrong, things may not be exactly the same as before. But you must keep hope alive that you will be able to get out there and explore the world! They did it after the Bubonic Plague in Europe, the are managing after HIV in Africa, and even Southeast Asia is moving forward after countless Tsunamis. Never doubt the Human Spirit & NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF!
Now get to dreaming young lady…we have others to help, inspire, and show what is really out there in the world!
Wow, I’m still trying to get use to the fact that its January and you’ve got your 12 month bucket list ready. Well done!
Thanks! No rest for the wicked I guess. haha, but seriously, we probably had a lot of this rolling around in our head just waiting to come out already
Sorry to hear about your mom. Here’s hoping that you accomplish all of your goals this year!
Thank you Jasmine. We hope to tackle as many as possible….besides, my Mom used to love our adventures so I want to keep making her proud and give her a good laugh
First, I’m so sorry about your mother!
This is such a great list! I strongly recommend #298!! However, you might want to move it up a bit on your list. July/August is the best time to see the whale sharks in Isla Mujeres. We went the second week of August and there were SOOOO many of them! One of the most amazing experiences ever!
Aye Carumba, well if we can get some good deals, we may have to go to Mexico 2x then cause we really want to snorkel with those gigantic gentle beasts of the sea!
I looked at your map pic and smiled. This is the kind of planning we do! Although I must admit we do not do such a comprehensive goal list. Maybe something for us to try this year. I love that you have put all kinds of experiences on this list and that many can be done close to home. Or at home! Since we just went into a hard “don’t leave home” order and this timing is unpredictable, we need some travel related goals we can do at home. I see you have more real travel in the end of the year. I am sure hoping!
Thanks…we love ourselves a good old fashion line graph. Sometimes the classic and most basic “tech” is still the best. As for our list of goals, yeah, we love mixing up our Bucket List Dreams! Don’t get me wrong, Travel or Adventure Activities are always the best. But there is still much more to life that we want to experience, learn from, and enjoy! Wishing you guys all the best on hitting your 2021 Bucket List Goals, no matter what they are!!
With the year we had last year I’m sure a lot of us missed our bucket list items. Adding on the loss of your mother, you had other things to think about. 💕 but you are right about being gifted a new year and I hope you reach all your goals this year. I am inspired by your post…here’s to 2021! ✨
Thank you Laura. Best luck for you and your 2021 Bucket List Goals as well!
You have such creative ideas! I LOVE that you want to try escamoles in Mexico! I had some at Quintonil in Mexico City but I’m sure they would be even more amazing from a “local” place that does them. And Spanish is such a good goal! I honestly can’t imagine traveling in Mexico or other parts of Latin America without it. I would say don’t neglect reading, because when you’re conversing with people there’s an obvious back and forth and both parties can work to make sure things are understood. But it’s always the worst to be reading a sign or menu and not know one crucial word and have to pull your phone out to look it up! Good luck on your language goals!
Thanks Kevin! Yeah, I have an entire crazy list of weird, bizarre, & perhaps disgusting foods I want to try, so of course Escamoles was on the list! I keep looking around and we are not sure we will get it this time cause it seems that it is often found inland more. Maybe in Oaxaca when we go for Dia los Muertos.
As for your tips. Yeah, I am really trying to immerse more. Don’t get me wrong, I love using Babbel as one of the Ways to Learn Spanish cause they make me read, write, & speak. But I am also trying several other techniques like listening to Podcasts, playing games in Spanish, & I may even try to learn something else in Spanish. I have to get it ready for when I go see my mother’s childhood home in Cuba!
Sorry for your loss, it’s hard losing a parent. 😢 I LOVE, LOVE, how you have a list of goals for each month. I might have to steal this idea. I too want to learn to speak Spanish fluently.
Thanks Debra. If you want to learn & practice with me, let me know. We are using several Ways to Learn Spanish. But our main tool is Babbel cause they have such great sales often & when I actually do my lessons, they are actually fun.
Also, Let me know if you set up your own 2021 Bucket List Goals, cause we love reading them & supporting our friends too!
I love how you have laid out the goals by month. I feel like that would make it much more obtainable. I have so many different goals and bucket list items I want to complete, but have a general list. I definitely think making a list like this would help me to make the most of 2021 and reach those goals. I love your hand drawn list to, I always start with something like that when I brainstorm.
Hey Melissa!
Yeah breaking down your bucket list into multiple parts can often help at least me see things easier. Cause I can’t tell you how often I overlook an item I could have done cause it was lost in a crowd of multiple Bucket List Adventure Activities & Experiences. As for my line graph, yeah it has been a favorite tool of mine in all the previous years cause it makes me think about not only what I want to do, but when can I actually do it also!
Oh my, have fun climbing up Devil’s Tower. For now, my only goal is to convince my wife to start traveling again after we get vaccinated. Everything else will fall in place afterwards.
And yes, we borrowed a book to learn Spanish from our local library. 🙂
Haha, will I see you at the top Rudy??
Well, keep working on your wife to get back to traveling again! It is only a matter of time that we will all be hitting the high seas, riding trains, or doing something crazy like eating escamoles in Mexico. I am glad that you got a Spanish learning book from your local library. Public libraries have such amazing resources and yet are so underutilized.
So sorry about the loss of your mother. Hope you’re doing okay.
You’ve got a great set of goals – especially the little library! I’d love to do that too!
Keep us posted on how you progress with your list.
Thanks Smita…ah yes the Little Library. I have such big dreams for our version 2.0 I think you guys will really enjoy what we create for the neighborhood here in New Orleans.
First, I’m sorry about your mom. Second, 2021 is going to be a great year for you! I can’t wait to see your photos after climbing Devils Tower!!
Thanks you Chantelle for you kind words. So am I going to see you at the top of Devil’s Tower this summer?
I’m in awe of how organised that all is! So far we’ve had a brief discussion about the 2nd half of the year. I’d like to go back to Skye as we missed loads when we went a few years ago. And Alex wants to go to the Basque part of Spain, San Sebastian and Santiago. I still want to meet my cousin’s grandson who we were supposed to be visiting in Chicago in June. I’m rather fearing the cost of travel insurance to the States though.
Hey Sarah, I hope you are able to manage a trip to see your cousin’s grandson. Darcee & I are going in April, want us to take him anything?? Haha, but seriously, I do hope you go. As for Spain, I hope you definitely get over there. A few years ago, I walked the entire Camino Frances Rout of the Camino de Santiago and it was by far one of my most favorite adventures ever. All of Northern Spain is beautiful. Make sure you also get over to Leon to see the cathedral and explore the amazing area.
great goal list. I didn’t plan to travels much for this year because there are places I can travel and place I want to travel to from my country. these lists are not mixing so far
Yeah, making travel plans for the beginning of 2021 is a little tricky! Just because the calendar flipped doesnt mean we are totally free of the issues that hit us in 20202. So when we made our big travel plans we tried to push international travel to the 2nd half of the year.
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