Should buying a house be on your Financial Bucket List?
When I created my personal growth bucket list, I never had buying a house as part of my financial bucket list. Don’t get me wrong, I had always assumed that one day I would own a house. I guess it was just never a priority for me compared to other financial goals. This may be because I always considered myself somewhat nomadic. However, now that I am a married and a bit older, buying a house seems to be a new priority.
With mortgage rates being so low, many may feel this goal even more urgently than before. The question is, is buying a house worth it?
According to a recent survey from Forbes Advisor, the answer seems to be “yes!”
In the survey, Forbes asked about two dozen financial and real estate experts if the American dream of homeownership is still a good long term investment. The result? Nearly 57% said that buying a house is definitely a smart long term investment.
Should buying a house be on your financial bucket list? Well, let’s dive into reasons why it should be!
Buying a House is often Cheaper than Renting
Don’t get us wrong, saving enough money for a down payment can be difficult. Also, a lot of your monthly costs will depend on where you live. But by using the Renting vs Buying Calculator from you can easily see if this is a benefit for you. When doing your research also remember to think long term. In most places, landlords seem to increase rent about 7% a year. So though it may seem like you are saving money now, in the long run, this might not be the greatest deal.
For many people, buying a house is a big item on their financial bucket list. But is it still worth it? Let’s dive into reasons why it should be! #FinancialBucketlist #BuyingAHouse #AmericanDream Click To TweetIt will help organize your other Financial Bucket List items
It seems weird to say this, but setting the goal to buy a house can help you with your other finances too. Just like when you start a Travel Savings Account, buying a house takes organization, focus, and tasks to help you complete your goal. In fact, came up with a 12 point checklist to help get you organized. But what we found interesting was that before even talking to a realtor, you need to take stock of your own personal finances. Then they offer ways to improve your situation so that when you are financially ready, you can obtain that dream home.
Buying a House is Tax Deductible
To paraphrase Ben Franklin, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
Every April, most people scramble to figure out their taxes and in general how much they owe. It can often be quite a stressful time. But one of the financial benefits of buying a house is that several of the expenses are tax deductible! This can be seen, especially in the beginning, when you’re able to deduct things like your Mortgage Interest and possibly your property taxes. Therefore, with the added savings, you might receive a bigger tax refund to put towards other financial bucket list items.
Your Credit Score will Improve
Now, don’t get us wrong, initially when you buy a home, your credit score will drop. Of course this should make sense as you just took out a pretty big loan. But this is only temporary while you prove that you can pay it back. According to an article from the SFGATE, paying on time should increase your credit score. In fact, according to their research, making regular payments is “the single most important factor influencing your credit rating.” So, just be organized and diligent on paying on time to help that credit score grow.
It is a Good Investment for your Financial Bucket List
When we are little and play Monopoly, one of the first things we learn is that owning houses and hotels is the best way to increase the rent of a property. In fact, the more houses equals more rent paid, leading you to becoming the richest player and thus the winner.
Now, in real life, buying a house isn’t always about collecting rent and sticking it to your friends on game night. But there is no doubt that buying a house can be a great financial bucket list investment. This can easily be seen when you check out CoreLogic’s home price index to review the year-over-year changes of different home markets around the country.
So is it Time to go Shopping?
As you can see, buying a house can be quite beneficial to most people these days. This can be especially true after exploring all the costs involved when using an Advanced Mortgage Calculator. But everyone’s financial bucket list is different. So, is buying a house on your personal growth bucket list? Do you equate home ownership with financial success? Or is there more important goals that you have to accomplish first financially? Let us know in the comments below!
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24 thoughts on “Should buying a house be on your Financial Bucket List?”
Buying a house was never on any bucket list of mine. I never wanted a house; I’d never lived in one until we bought it. She didn’t want a house until after we got married; that’s how it goes sometimes. lol
With that said, I think some other things have to be taken into consideration. I was in my 40’s when I bought my first house. I still have 12 years to go because we did a refi after the first 3 years. True, paying a mortgage is less than renting an apartment… until you think about escrow for first time homebuyers, the cost of updating everything on a consistent basis, having to go back and fix everything that was wrong with the house if you didn’t buy new. At this point the house is worth around $50K more than when I bought it, but it’s cost at least $75K to fix what needed to be fixed… and I’m not done yet!
It’s a different perspective from the norm, but it needed to be said. Research, learn more about it before you do it. I wish we’d had better internet information when I was looking. The best thing I did was fall back on my financial instincts and not pay more for a house than my realtor was telling us we could afford. That $250K house was beautiful; I’d have probably lost it in 2009 when the housing market went bust, the consulting market went bust, and we were scraping by. Whew!
Bought, and paid for. As mid-lifers it’s great to know that we have financial security in our own home. No mortgage anymore!
Yes, this is part of my financial bucket list but not really a priority. Just like you we’re kinda nomadic and are not really sure where we want to settle. Nonetheless, we’d like to invest in land first rather than a house as long as we are undecided.
I absolutely believe that investing in a home at the earliest is one of the wisest financial decisions one can make, specially if you are staying like me in a city (Mumbai) with exorbitant rents. I am so glad I made the decision 20 years ago and never regretted it. Excellent article, I am sure a lot of people will benefit by reading it and make the right decision.
My first! hopefully I can do it in reality lol. house first before anything that would depriciate
Basically, I think real estate is a great thing to buy or at least want to buy and work for it
Absolutely! Owning your own home is a key part of financial security and success! Thank you for sharing this important information that will ultimately help others!
Nice points on the benefits of a home purchase. It’s true there are many advantages and you finally have a place to call your own.
Buying a house is an investment. It’s something that you own and even though it’s a lengthy and difficult process, it’s worth it in the end
Home ownership is a dream worth pursuing. The advantages you revealed will help to spur us forward to this dream.
Buying a house is definitely on my bucket list but I don’t want to rush for this decision yet as I have to keep moving to different countries for work.
I send my best friend this link she is thinking of buying a house soon. She will learn a lot from this article.
As a homeowner, I would say yes but only your finances can answer the question.
Being based in a big city, real estate is the best form of investment. However, by now, I’m a bit too old to begin – and I’m spending my money on travelling. In my next life
Yeah, I feel you. My Dad was always shocked that I bought a house even in New Orleans. He would say that for someone with such a nomadic heart, it seems weird that you would anchor yourself. But I find that it has actually helped me with my traveling in a weird way in that I was able to control my income a bit better by being a home owner.
It sure is on my bucket list as they are more positives than negatives when buying a home. Great post
this sharing is gonna help lots of the youngster esp to decide whether to add this long term commitment, everyone would like to own a house, but with current pandemic situation, it will be more challeging of it. cheers, siennylovesdrawing
I agree that buying a house is cheaper than renting, in the long run. It’s on my list this year to finish my house. Hopefully, I can do it! Thanks for sharing these deciding factors
I just bought a house on Sunday, my own house, and I completely agree with all these factors as they are very important.
I honestly don’t have it on the list haha. But I think it’s important as at some point, we will need to move out and live on our own. Great tips!
one of the most important thing to consider before having a family….i have been renting for ten years before me and my wife decided to loan a house of our own..just imagine the 10 yrs of money for our rent..if we could have started to loan a house,,,the house could have been fully paid already
In India, buying a house is considered to be a very important task for every individual who gets a job. I myself bought one on loan many years back when I started working, so could relate to ur article
We just bought a house and I couldn’t be happier! Great read and great thing to consider!
Congrats! Glad you ticked buying a house from your Financial Bucket List!
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