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Category: Adventure Activities & Experiences Bucket List

The Adventure Activities & Experiences Bucket list will share with you exciting adventures activities and experiences that need to be on your Bucket List. Discover unique activities and experiences from around the world. These are the type of activities that you need to experience and participate in before you die.

To See My Adventure Activities & Experiences Bucket list CLICK HERE

Why It’s Good To Try New Things

Why It’s Good To Try New Things

Can you remember when you last tried something completely new? Maybe not; most of the time, people tend to stick to what they already know, afraid to step out of their comfort zones. This is entirely understandable, and it’s not surprising if this is the way you live your life. In truth, there is nothing wrong with being comfortable, and there is nothing wrong with not trying new things, but when you do try them, wonderful things can happen. So…

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5 Essentials You’ll Need for a Luxury Camping Adventure

5 Essentials You’ll Need for a Luxury Camping Adventure

There’s no denying that camping is a great way to experience the great outdoors. However, camping isn’t for everyone, so what can you do if you want to go on a family camping trip, but one of your group would rather stay in a hotel? One option is to compromise and have a more luxurious camping adventure. Glamping, as the term is known, has risen in popularity in recent years. The following are some essential items you need to create…

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To Climb and to Pray

To Climb and to Pray

For those who don’t know, on July 17, 2021, I (Eric) along with Chris Nolan will be Climbing Devil’s Tower for ALS. It is a daunting bucket list item that to be honest, kind of makes me nervous. But despite my apprehension, this climb will hopefully be a way we can educate others about those with ALS. Plus, we are doing it to honor Chris’s brother Sean. Back in 2016, Sean was diagnosed with ALS. But in talking with Chris,…

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Fun in Cap d’Agde

Fun in Cap d’Agde

There is something to be said about spending a long weekend with your friends and family. I mean we all need a break from the typical day to day. This is especially true for those in Europe who for chasing their endless summer. I mean who doesn’t want to escape the stress of the past year while sipping a tiki cocktail at the beach? But where is the best place to go that can offer a bit of relaxation while…

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Enchanting Forests Across The World For The Perfect Outdoor Expedition

Enchanting Forests Across The World For The Perfect Outdoor Expedition

One of our favorite parts of our Personal Growth Bucket list is all the fun books we want to read. This is especially true of item 210) Read Books of Fables because we get to to live in the world of fairy tales like the Brothers Grimm used to tell stories about! But is it possible to actually find those enchanting forests filled with fairies, dwarfs, and magic? Well sadly, thanks to farming in lowland areas, walking through a rich,…

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How to Ensure Your Camping Trip Goes off Without a Hitch

How to Ensure Your Camping Trip Goes off Without a Hitch

Many of the best adventures are the ones you have under canvas. When you camp, you get to spend quality time in nature, watching the stars, biking, hiking, climbing trees, and finding out more about yourself than you ever thought you would.  However, if you’ve never been camping before, it can seem like a pretty daunting prospect. There are so many things that can go wrong from bad weather to getting lost, that it pays to be as prepared as…

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How to Recognize a Well-Made Garden Hose Stand

How to Recognize a Well-Made Garden Hose Stand

For many people, this past winter has been a particularly cold one. Couple that with being trapped inside due to the pandemic, I am sure most are eager to get outside! But even if you aren’t quite ready to start traveling in search of where it is Summer right now, that doesn’t mean you get get outside! That is perhaps why many people are excited to start gardening again. It is the perfect way to tackle one of those personal…

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The Best Toilets In The World

The Best Toilets In The World

Bathroom, WC, loo, restroom, latrine, crapper, john, throne, whatever you call it, using a toilet can be quite an experience when you travel! I mean we have all heard horror stories of disgusting bathrooms, unusual set ups, or missing rolls of toilet paper, right? For us, this was never more true than when we were dealing with the bathrooms while driving a Tuk Tuk across India in the Rickshaw Run! Many of those were definitely not the best toilets in…

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The Best Camping Fridge for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

The Best Camping Fridge for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

There is no doubt that camping or visiting a National Park is on the rise in recent years. Perhaps, it’s because we are finally learning about their hidden beauty and fun adventure activities. I mean with all the things to do in Yellowstone, you could have an entire bucket list category for that park alone! Couple that with the growing need for more cost effective family adventures, it all makes sense.  But how do you financially handle an extended adventure…

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To Yacht Or Not? Is Now The Right Time To Buy A Boat?

To Yacht Or Not? Is Now The Right Time To Buy A Boat?

Ask any old timer for advice on buying a boat, and one of three banalities you’re guaranteed to hear is. “Do you know what BOAT stands for? Bust out another thousand!” The proverb: “The best two days in the life of a boater are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.” And finally, there’s an investment tip of a lifetime: “Never buy a boat.” While for a long time this may have been sound advice, the…

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