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Category: Personal Growth Bucket List

Learn about actions and things that need to have on your Personal Growth Bucket List that will improve your life.

These blog posts with share with you Things To Improve my life that you too can do.  Everyone talks about losing weight, learning a new language, or reading a great book but sometimes you need to just stop talking about it and go out and do it!  Hopefully the posts below will inspire you to take action and start working on your own Personal Growth Bucket List. Let us help you discover unique activities you need to experience and participate that will contribute to your personal growth and improve your life before you die.

To Read my Personal Growth Bucket List CLICK HERE or enjoy the post below.

Behind the Scenes of a Wizard of Oz Dinner

Behind the Scenes of a Wizard of Oz Dinner

As I chase the many items on my bucket list, it seems that friends come and go from my life. But I recently read somewhere that “Friends are like stars, they come and go but the ones that stay are the ones that glow!” This is so very true as I grow older. That is why several years ago, I decided to create something I call The Wizard of Oz Dinner. For me it was a way to take the…

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9 Simple Ways to Help Others

9 Simple Ways to Help Others

I am sure we can all agree that it is often better to give than to receive. In fact, a study from the Harvard Business School shows that finding ways to help others can improve both our mental health and physical self. But with so many problems in the world today, how can we really make a difference? How do we actually tackle difficult situations affecting those in need? How do we find ways to tackle The Helping Others Bucket…

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Overcoming Your Travel Fears

Overcoming Your Travel Fears

Some people are scared of flying, some think they are too old to take on a long journey and others of fearful of things that could jeopardize their safety. Just are just three of the reasons that people give for not traveling, but there is no end of others that produce travel fears in people. Whiles having fears is natural, travel fears are stopping people from experiencing other parts of the world. That is an awful shame, as they will…

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Best Way to Learn Spanish

Best Way to Learn Spanish

It is said that with more than 400 million native speakers, Spanish is second most spoken language in the world. So it is not shocking that many people like me have “Learn to Speak Spanish Fluently” on our bucket lists. Perhaps, this is because learning Spanish can help with business or give us a leg up while we travel. But for me, becoming fluent in Spanish holds a very important and personal meaning. Finding a way to learn Spanish will…

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How To Enjoy Travelling When You Suffer With Anxiety

How To Enjoy Travelling When You Suffer With Anxiety

Travelling is something that everybody should do at least once in their lives. With so many natural and man-made wonders around the world, you’d be mad to miss out on the chance to experience it first-hand. The feeling that you get when you’re travelling makes you feel so alive, and so free from the normal day to day routines that most of us face. However, when you suffer with anxiety, the idea of travelling alone might make your heart start…

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At the end of each December, I often sit down with my Bucket List notebook and ponder what I want to accomplish and where I want to go for the coming year. For me, I find that writing out a time line not only helps me plan what I want to do but gets me excited about what the coming year has to offer. If you would like to see what we did in 2017, check our 2017 Completed Items. So…

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The Bucket List Project’s 50th Blog Post!

The Bucket List Project’s 50th Blog Post!

A Very Merry Blogiversary to Me! This month The Bucket List Project is celebrating its one year Blogiversary (is that a thing?) and at the same time, The Bucket List Project’s 50th Blog Post! First of all, I want to say, “THANK YOU” to all my friends, family, and followers of The Bucket List Project. You all are the reason why I have had a remarkable year! I started this blog with hopes to share once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Also, my dream was…

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To Walk and Pray

To Walk and Pray

A pilgrimage is when a traveler, typically on foot, journeys to a holy place of special significance, usually to a particular religious belief.  As they walk to this church, shrine, or location of importance, the pilgrim will often find that the route in itself becomes a form of spiritual path or retreat for their spiritual growth. So, where does the 490 mile walk of the Camino de Santiago take a pilgrim?  What shrine or location of importance is found through this experience?  Does the pilgrim have to pray and…

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The 4 Leaf Clover Project: Sharing a little Luck

The 4 Leaf Clover Project: Sharing a little Luck

Editor’s Note: The 4 Leaf Clover Project: Sharing a Little Luck was originally published May 2016 and has recently been updated and revised for accuracy and comprehensiveness. When I was creating my Bucket List Project several years ago, I remember being able to bang out 80+ things in the initial writing of my list in that old composite notebook. It came easy to put down travel, adventure, and even personal growth items on my list! But when I went to…

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My Hopes & Goals of 2016

My Hopes & Goals of 2016

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” ~Benjamin Franklin Ok So I realize that it is already mid May and that 1/3rd of 2016 is already over but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t plan it out!  I just didn’t share it yet!   In fact, every January, I tend to sit down post Christmas and start Bucketlistlusting (is that a word?) from my Old Notebook.  Then I literally create a year graph and draw out how I…

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