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Category: Personal Growth Bucket List

Learn about actions and things that need to have on your Personal Growth Bucket List that will improve your life.

These blog posts with share with you Things To Improve my life that you too can do.  Everyone talks about losing weight, learning a new language, or reading a great book but sometimes you need to just stop talking about it and go out and do it!  Hopefully the posts below will inspire you to take action and start working on your own Personal Growth Bucket List. Let us help you discover unique activities you need to experience and participate that will contribute to your personal growth and improve your life before you die.

To Read my Personal Growth Bucket List CLICK HERE or enjoy the post below.

2014 Year in Revew & 2015 State of the Union!

2014 Year in Revew & 2015 State of the Union!

(Originally published on 03/02/15) Wait….What Year is IT??? How Did I miss 2014 already?  Wait, how old am I?  I turned 39 Last Wednesday??  Holy Crap!!!!  Where did those days go? These are all statements people say all the time when you ask them what they did last year or what they did during the past year of their life on their birthdays.  I know its what people keep asking me.  So what did Eric Gamble, Mr. Bucket List, Mr. World…

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I am over 1 year Clean!!

I am over 1 year Clean!!

(Originally published on 03/23/14) So back on March of 2013, I went cold turkey but it wasn’t drugs, alcohol or my cigars that I quit! If you know me at all, you know that I will never quit smoking cigars. No, I quit using credit cards and collecting debt and now I am over 1 year Clean! In 1994, when I entered college, I had become a credit card user, instructed by my parents that I was only to use…

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