Is It Possible That Living On A Boat Is The Dream You Never Knew You Had?
Many people around the world aspire to sail on the high seas. Man has enjoyed the freedom to roam freely and sail around the world for many years, and the novelty has yet to wear off. Did you know that millions of people choose to live on their boat all over the world? While it may not be something you’ve considered, this article will look into whether living on a boat is a dream you didn’t realize you had.
Boats offer durability
Our boats’ materials and quality have vastly improved in this day and age. Boats have an incredible amount of strength. It’s incredible how durable they are given the millions of gallons of water surrounding them and their ability to stay together during rough waters. Because of its lightweight and durability, aluminum is one of the most popular materials for boat construction. If you’re interested in learning more, here’s an interesting post about aluminum in boats that you can read.
Safety while living on a boat
While there is always the uncertainty of not knowing what the ocean will be like all of the time, we live in an age where technology is pretty on point when it comes to foreseeing things like that. Not only that, but as we mentioned above, boats these days are extremely durable and boating accidents are becoming less and less of a problem. However, if the safety on the open sea is something that’s a concern to you, there are plenty of things you could do, such as:
- Take sailing lessons and learn as much as you can about maneuvering your boat.
- Stock up on necessary precautions such as life jackets and an inflatable boat.
- Keep an eye on the forecast. If you’re unsure, dock your boat until you’re happy to continue moving.
You can discover new locations
Another fantastic reason to consider living on a boat is the vast number of places you can visit, especially if you are the one sailing the boat. Imagine waking up one day to snowy mountains and then waking up the next day to crystal blue waters. What an amazing experience that would be for everyone on the boat. Another advantage is that if you wanted to go exploring, you could simply anchor your boat and return to it at the end of the day. The ideal option for those who enjoy exploring our wonderful planet.
You’ll get up close & personal with wildlife
Imagine sailing along with a pod of dolphins swimming alongside you. Or peering down into the water and spotting a killer whale tailing your boat? The amount of wildlife you will encounter will be breathtaking and will undoubtedly bring you closer to our mother earth, especially if you have the opportunity to swim with or touch these wonderful creatures. Not only that but imagine waking up to the sound of dolphins calling each other in the distance, accompanied by the gentle lapping of the water on your boat. Heaven on earth!
You get time alone
The world is a crazy place, and when you’re amidst the hustle and bustle, sometimes the only thing you want is peace and solidarity, and what better place to get that than on the open sea! Imagine sitting back on deck with a cold drink, the smell of the ocean and a gentle breeze on a warm day. If you need time away from it all, living on a boat would definitely provide.
It’s cost effective
Living on a boat can be much less expensive than renting an apartment in the city. For example, if your usual rent is $1500 per month, the cost of keeping your boat at a dock is likely to be nearly a grand less per month. Once you’ve bought and paid for your boat you can expect to save a lot of money on living expenses. If it will save you a lot of money, it is definitely worth considering! Not only that, if you were to spend a month or two inland, you can rent out your boat and make a profit on your amazing investment.
You could build a career
Finally, with so many places to visit, you could turn travel into a career by blogging and documenting all of your experiences. Alternatively, if you have a large enough boat, offering to sail people to various locations in exchange for money could be a new career that is also a hobby of yours.
Take these suggestions into consideration, and let us know if the idea of living on a boat appeals to you in the comments section!
2 thoughts on “Is It Possible That Living On A Boat Is The Dream You Never Knew You Had?”
I have indeed many times considered living on a boat. Even recently David and I thought about it as an option for moving to the west coast. We loved the idea of being able to explore many areas along the coast. We could certainly handle the alone time from civilization. But we are still not sure we could live indefinitely in such a small space. Maybe we need to try it for a short while.
We agree, there are often times we have thought about selling it all to live on a boat and sail around the world. But I think we might also get a bit stir crazy in tight quarters after a short bit of time too! But it may be a cool option to have a few times a year!
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