Overcoming Your Travel Fears
Some people are scared of flying, some think they are too old to take on a long journey and others of fearful of things that could jeopardize their safety. Just are just three of the reasons that people give for not traveling, but there is no end of others that produce travel fears in people.
Whiles having fears is natural, travel fears are stopping people from experiencing other parts of the world. That is an awful shame, as they will never know how wonderful it can be to see the sights and meet the people of other countries. If you are scared to travel, here are a few tips that might help you to overcome your fears.
Having fear is natural, but if you're scared to travel, The Bucket List Project has some tips to help you overcome your fears so you don't miss out on unbelievable adventures. #TravelFears #DontBeAfraid Click To TweetRealize You Are Scared And Stop Making Excuses 
The first step to overcoming your fears is admitting that you have them. Stop making excuses why you do not travel, and admit to yourself that you would love to if only you were not so frightened. Booking a flight to anywhere is as easy as going onto the airline’s website and filling in the information. The whole process takes no more than a few minutes.
If you know you want to see other places, stop coming up with reasons why you shouldn’t. The longer you delay, the harder it will get and then you will give up on dreaming of far off places forever.
You need to remember that flying is the safest form of travel on the planet. There are fewer airplane accidents than any other type of accidents, and if they do happen, there are aviation accident attorneys that are willing to help you sort out any problems the accident creates. The odds of dying in an airplane crash is 1 in many millions unless you are flying over a war-torn country, which is something you should always avoid.
Small Steps At A Time 
Start by having a long weekend away in another part of the US. Once you see how easy it was, it will encourage you to try further afield. If you need to do this a few times before you try another country that is fine. Each time you land in a state the other side of the country, so your confidence will begin to grow.
The next step is to try another country. You should opt for one that speaks the same language and whose culture is not too different. Perhaps go to a European destination such as England or Ireland. The one thing you can be certain of is that you will meet lots of other Americans while you are there.
After this, you may find the travel bug is starting to bite. Then you will be ready to head for lands that are totally different to anything you have ever since. China and Asia are very exotic in parts, the people are friendly and the food delicious. For many people, once they have visited these parts of the world, they will not take a vacation anywhere else.
Know Your Budget 
The cost being prohibitive is a typical excuse people give for not traveling. It can be cheaper to get a flight somewhere else and to feed yourself as well as find accommodation than it is to travel by train and book into a hotel a couple of hundred miles away.
You do not have to stop in a top class hotel and pay hundreds of dollars a night. Most countries have bed and breakfast establishments and hostels that are very reasonably priced, and the food is often much cheaper than you would pay in the US. You will find markets that sell street food very cheaply, and they are very strictly regulated hygiene wise, so you can be certain that what they are serving is clean. Most of them use local produce too so it is usually fresh as well.
You could opt to rent a room with a kitchen so you can shop and cook for yourself. This is possibly an even cheaper option, but when street markets sell the food for less than a couple of dollars for as much as you can eat, that is hard to beat.
Flight wise, you need to watch the airlines websites for special deals. You will also find that maybe a month before the flight the prices will start to drop if they have too many empty seats.
If your work out what your budget is you will be able to stick to it without too much difficulty as long as you are not looking at traveling first class and staying in a five-star hotel.
Feel The Excitement 
There are two things you should feel excited about. One is the trip itself, and the other is that you have overcome your fear. If you can beat the fear of traveling, what else could you achieve in life? This will boost your confidence a great deal and that is worth being excited about.
Seeing other countries and cultures will open your eyes to different ways of living, different perspectives and will help you to grow as a person. You will learn to manage your money while away, try new foods and meet new people. You may find their ways a bit puzzling to start with, but be under no illusion, they would feel the same if they visited the US.
Travel Often 
You will soon find that traveling is not as bad as you feared, but you need to travel often to keep those fears away. Whole families backpack these days, and, many people travel in groups as well as on their own. There is no reason for you to not join these many thousands of people on their travels, and if you feel safer with a friend, drag one along with you.
If there is an emergency at home or you really hate a place you go to, there is always the option of flying home if you need to. You cannot expect to love everywhere you visit, but you should at least give some places a try, as you will never know if you don’t.
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