Search Results for: travel

Top Tips For Using Uber While Traveling

If you have ever needed a lift somewhere in the last couple of years and wanted it to be quick, then you may have used the Uber. I mean, let’s face it, Uber feels like it is everywhere these days. Plus, the company has allowed people from all over the world to become freelance drivers and be paid to take people where they need to go. What better way to earn money to pay for your next Travel Bucket List…

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Overcoming Your Travel Fears

Some people are scared of flying, some think they are too old to take on a long journey and others of fearful of things that could jeopardize their safety. Just are just three of the reasons that people give for not traveling, but there is no end of others that produce travel fears in people. Whiles having fears is natural, travel fears are stopping people from experiencing other parts of the world. That is an awful shame, as they will…

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Cleaning Up Your Life Before You Travel

It’s become far more common for people to go on long-term travelling trips than ever before. With some people spending years on the move, it’s easy to see that they are taking it very seriously, and probably won’t let much stop them from going on their journey. If you’re in this position, embracing your passion is always a really good idea. Of course, though, you have some boring work to cover before you can hop on a plane. Bills/Finance:  Leaving…

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Travel Tips for Your Bucket List

Everyone should have a bucket list, a list of things you want to do and place you want to go. Travel is usually high up on everyone’s list and for that reason we are going to look at some suggestions for places to visit and reasons to go there. Hopefully, by the end of your reading you will have caught the travel bug, and then you’re on the first flight to ticking somewhere special off your list. Australia  We’re going…

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Why A Road Trip Is The Best Way To Travel

Traditionally a road trip has been viewed as a form of travel that only hippies engage in or those who are living some kind of alternative lifestyle, but it’s really not about that anymore. In the past decade, road trips have, not only become a rather popular mainstream way to travel but are pretty much the new best way to travel. So, before you try to get rid of that classic “clunker” at an auto salvage yards near you, check…

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4 Ways To Make Spending Money Go Further When You Travel

When you’re trying to cut the cost of travel, you’re probably looking at ways to get cheaper deals on flights or spend less on your accommodation. Those are both important because they’re the biggest expenses when you’re traveling. But even if you save money on flights and accommodation, you could still end up spending a lot while you’re out there, especially if you’re traveling to an expensive country. If you really want to master the art of budget travel, you…

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The Most Inviting And Upcoming International Travel Destinations For 2019

Travelling has become a surprisingly essential part of most people’s lives. More and more people are jet-setting across the globe every opportunity that they get. Young couples are taking year-long sabbaticals from work just to travel around the world. If you too are planning on getting on to the international travel bandwagon, there are some hot travel destinations for 2019 that you definitely should know about. We have put together a list of these inviting international destinations to make it…

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10 Ways to Be Prepared for Medical Emergencies While Travelling

Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Perhaps that is why our Adventure Travel List is such a big part of the Bucket List Project. It allows us to continually grow while we explore new places. But just because we “sail…

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Getting Paid to Travel the World

Travel is a brilliant thing. It can enrich your life, change your outlook, give you a great chance to meet new people and experience different cultures. It can help you to grow as a person, give you new experiences and teach you new skills. There’s no doubt that travelling is fantastic, and it’s certainly something that we should all try to do as much as we can. But, it’s surprising how many people miss out on the massive world around…

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How To Enjoy Travelling When You Suffer With Anxiety

Travelling is something that everybody should do at least once in their lives. With so many natural and man-made wonders around the world, you’d be mad to miss out on the chance to experience it first-hand. The feeling that you get when you’re travelling makes you feel so alive, and so free from the normal day to day routines that most of us face. However, when you suffer with anxiety, the idea of travelling alone might make your heart start…

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