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Tag: trip planning

To Yacht Or Not? Is Now The Right Time To Buy A Boat?

To Yacht Or Not? Is Now The Right Time To Buy A Boat?

Ask any old timer for advice on buying a boat, and one of three banalities you’re guaranteed to hear is. “Do you know what BOAT stands for? Bust out another thousand!” The proverb: “The best two days in the life of a boater are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.” And finally, there’s an investment tip of a lifetime: “Never buy a boat.” While for a long time this may have been sound advice, the…

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Cutting Costs On An International Road Trip

Cutting Costs On An International Road Trip

Road trips are universally known to be a lot of fun. The open road, plenty of things to see and places to visit, and you can take the people you love the most along with you. It’s a very personal and intimate way to explore a country, and it’s a great way to take charge over your adventure – no public transport necessary here! However, going on a road trip overseas can be quite complicated. You’ve got new road laws…

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7 Ways to Save Money on Flights

7 Ways to Save Money on Flights

Never in the history of humankind has it been so easy to travel from one side of the world to the other. With the click of a button, you can book a flight from Los Angeles to Sydney, and arrive at your Australian destination a mere 24 hours after leaving your front door. But despite the convenience and ease of travel, it can be extremely expensive. Booking a plane ticket costs a lot of money, and for many travelers on…

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The Best Ways to Celebrate a Birthday

The Best Ways to Celebrate a Birthday

If you’re looking to start the process of planning a big milestone birthday and you want to truly make the most of the occasion, you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk today about all the things you can do in order to make the most of your birthday and celebrate it in style. Depending where you are in the world, these plans might have to wait until it’s safe to carry them out. But with the end of…

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Prioritizing Our Bucket List Goals To Get The Most Out Of 2021

Prioritizing Our Bucket List Goals To Get The Most Out Of 2021

If you are reading this, congratulations, you survived 2020! But now we have all started a new year and that means setting new bucket list goals for 2021! 2020 was a hard year for us as it was for many of you! Between losing my mother, Lilian Madan Gamble, in March and then being hit with a global pandemic, not much happened with our Bucket List Project. But now we are gifted with a new year and that means hopefully…

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5 Ways to Start a Travel Savings

5 Ways to Start a Travel Savings

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a stressful year for everyone. With the pandemic, forced quarantines, and the overall need to stay healthy, travel has not been a priority for most. However, even before the pandemic hit, Americans in particular often failed to utilize all of their vacation days. According to Expedia’s 2013 Vacation Deprivation study, 60% of Americans wanted to take a vacation but never went. This led to over half a billion vacation days in 2013…

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Gift Guide for the Female Traveler

Gift Guide for the Female Traveler

Admittedly, we women can be hard to shop for. Unless the woman in your life is willing to give you a detailed list of what she wants and where to get it, she’s likely to be disappointed with at least one gift this year. We are complex, with a wide range of interests and hobbies. Those of us who are working to tick specific items off our bucket lists can be even harder to shop for – especially if it…

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Win a Pair of Original Travel Tracker Scratch Off Maps

Win a Pair of Original Travel Tracker Scratch Off Maps

By now, you all know that we LOVE our travel tracker scratch off map from Landmass. I mean every time you come into our home, you’ll see it displayed on our wall! But now we have a problem! Sadly, like many of you, we haven’t been able to scratch too many places off our travel tracker world map this year. Stupid 2020! However, there is a bright side. Despite the lack of international travel, we are inspired to travel more…

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Travel Hints For The Most Authentic LA Experience

Travel Hints For The Most Authentic LA Experience

All any of us seem to be dreaming of travelling at the moment. With lockdowns and travel restrictions in place for the majority of us, it feels like a distant hope. But what better way to escape the troubled reality than to plan your next trip though? There’s no better place to start than the sunny city of Los Angeles. It’s bursting with culture and life, which makes it a great place to tick off our travel bucket list. But…

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A Minimalist Travel Backpack

A Minimalist Travel Backpack

Minimalist travel is all the rage these days. Whether you are heading for a weekend getaway or trying to tick off one of the major items on your Travel Bucket list, people are looking for ways to pack lighter and smarter. Perhaps this is due to all the extra fees that are being tacked on by airlines. Or maybe it is because carrying around tons of extra gear is getting harder as we get older. Either way, downsizing luggage into…

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