The Purpose of The Bucket List Project
The Purpose of The Bucket List Project Blog
The Purpose of The Bucket List Project Blog is to hopefully inspire and help fellow members of Gen X & Gen Y to go out and chase their own bucket list dreams! Our goal is to help others overcome fears, misinformed perceptions, or any challenges that would stand in the way of tackling various items on their own lists!
So Who are we trying to help? 
When the Bucket List Project blog was originally created, we weren’t trying to help anyone specific. In fact, the original goal of the blog was to simply share stories of us tackling our own bucket list items. However, while sharing our daring adventures, we came across people our age who would ask us:
- Why on earth would someone that is a member of Gen X or Gen Y even have a bucket list?
- How on earth were we doing all of these bucket list items while balancing things like time, money, or other challenges?
- Is it possible for them to also chase their own bucket list dreams now?
Therefore, we realized that members of Gen X or Gen Y needed help pursuing their own Bucket List Project!
In Case You Dont Know: To be a member of Gen X, people are usually born from 1965 – 1980 while members of Gen Y are those generally born from 1981 – 1996!
So What is the problem with Gen X & Gen Y? 
As members of Gen X (Eric was born in 1976) & Gen Y (Darcee was born late 1980), we realize that there are many random challenges facing the people of our generations. Often people excitedly tell us about their bucket list dreams. It is always fun to see their eyes light up as they share some crazy adventure or goal with us. But when we ask when they are going to make it happen, their shoulders droop, their eyes dull, and they reply with some objection or excuse on why they cant do it now. They usually continue by sharing the hope of being able to accomplish it LATER! But sadly, LATER doesn’t always happen and their bucket list dreams is forever lost.
Now don’t get us wrong, these objections or reasons are valid to that person and we respect that. However, we have found that most often members of Gen X & Gen Y put off their Bucket List Dreams because of 3 possible reasons:
- The perceived cost it takes to accomplish the Bucket List item – They share that they need to hit some sort of financial goal in order to afford the pursuit of a certain item.
- The perceived ability it takes to accomplish the Bucket List item – They share that they need to improve their ability whether it is physical, mental, or even spiritual before attempting a certain item. (This is one of Eric’s biggest hurdles personally!)
- The perceived amount of time it takes to accomplish the Bucket List item – They share that they are really busy right now with family, work, or something and really can’t afford the time it takes to tackle a certain item.
The Purpose of The Bucket List Project Blog is to inspire and help members of Gen X & Gen Y to go out chase their bucket list dreams! #GenXBucketList #GenYBucketList #BucketListProject Click To Tweet
How We plan to help 
In order to help members of Gen X & Gen Y overcome their objections or reasons, we promise to try our best to share information and tools that will help and inspire anyone to take action by doing the following:
- Share Actionable Steps: We love to tell about our fun bucket list adventures! But with each blog post we will do our best to not only showcase the bucket list item but to also share actionable steps for anyone to tackle said item. To help other members of Gen X & Gen Y take action, we will try to share all of our tools, contacts, and those “underground insider secrets” everyone thinks we use to cross off items on our list. There is no reason in this day and age that someone our age should avoid pursuing a dream due to a lack of or improper information on how easy it is to get it done!
- Share Real Struggles and Emotions: Often, we have found that people don’t pursue their bucket list because of self-doubt and fear which in all honesty, SUCKS! There is nothing worse than being genuinely scared of attempting to accomplish a dream you have been talking about forever at the ripe age of 40-something. However, we find that more often than not, our fears or reservations are created by misinformation. Therefore, we will try to always share real struggles and emotions and how we personally overcame them with a little humor and knowledge.
- Share More Than Just Travel and Adventure Activities: Not going to lie, this has been a challenge for us as it is very easy to talk about the tons of items on our Adventure Travel List or Adventure Activities & Experiences List. But in researching the purpose of a bucket list project, often people listed how they wish they read more, learned a certain talent, or even more importantly told others how they truly felt! Therefore, we will try to share more posts about Personal Growth Bucket List Items and such.
We hope to inspire and help other members Gen X & Gen Y go out and chase their own bucket list dreams. Truly, we couldn’t have asked for a better purpose in life! If you ever have any questions, need support, or you just want to share your own Bucket List dreams or accomplishments with us, please feel free to reach out. We love hearing your bucket list stories… fact they inspire us all the time!
Don’t forget to Pin this to your Favorite Bucket List Board!