Why You Should Book A Winter Golfing Break
When you think about winter breaks, it’s likely that you’re thinking about skiing and snowboarding in places like Mammoth, California. It makes sense: winter = snow = slide on the mountain on sticks and Mammoth, California is a popular winter destination. The thing is you can pretty much have any kind of break you like over the winter months. You can head south for the winter and seek some sun, sea, sand and sangria. Or perhaps, go north and enjoy a winter break curled up in a cabin by a fire if that is your thing. There are so many ways that you can enjoy a break over the winter! But have you considered how a winter golfing break could make your time off more fun?
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A Winter Golfing Break
These days, with so many people choosing to get their golf certification online and then head out to play and teach others, it isn’t shocking unusual to take a golf trip. Now usually, a golfing break seem to happen during the Spring and Summer months, when the sun is shining, the air is warm and there’s less rain to contend with. The thing is, if your only time to hit the links is during the winter, your golfing break doesn’t have to be sodden in rain or snow. In fact, it could be a pretty epic way to tick off a Golfing Bucket List item. Let’s take a look at why you should choose a golfing break in the winter!
A lot of people have a golf item on their #bucketlist. But they can be hard to tick off during warmer peak season months! But perhaps a Winter Golfing break could make it easier to tick it off your list! #WinterGolf Click To Tweet1) It’s Quiet
Golf courses can be pretty booked up in the sunshine months. The hot sun brings the need to smack a few balls across the course before enjoying an al fresco lunch. But even courses on at secret golfer’s paradise like Tenerife are typically emptier in the winter. So, for you, this means you can move freely through the courses and complete them in your own time. It also means no one is going to be pushy to get to the next course behind you!
2) You can get your body moving
It’s harder to get moving and get exercising in the winter months. The cold weather can make you want to hibernate and sleep! But when you are on a break enjoying an activity from your golfing bucket list, you’re going to be happy to burn off all those calories. There are plenty of ways to keep fit on the driving range and walking between holes is just one of them. If you’re passionate about golf, you’ll be able to work on your game a little better, too.
3) You can keep progressing
Continuing to golf in the winter months means that you can work on your game and get where you want to be without having to wait for the sunshine. Don’t allow all the hard work that you’ve put into it through the summer to go to waste, not when you can work out on the course and keep your skills honed.
4) It’s a challenge!
When you are out there and practicing your game, you are challenging yourself, and that can often be preferable to sitting around at home and not knowing what to do with yourself.
5) There are often great deals
Whether you are wanting to play golf for yourself, getting your golf certification squared away, or you’re looking for cool gifts for guys this Christmas, you are going to find some excellent winter break deals that won’t break the bank. That is because hotels, resorts, and even golf courses often consider winter months as their off-season. Thus, they tend to lower their prices significantly.
Golfing during the Winter is so Cool!
Okay, so a winter golfing break may actually be more Cold than cool but as you can see there are some amazing benefits to hitting the courses! But what do you think? Do you ever take a winter golfing break? Is it fun or flat out crazy to be out there in the colder months? Let us know in the comments below on your take & if you love it where are some of the best places to head.